Careers in Health

A career in health offers opportunities like no other. Whether you’re in a clinical or support role, you’re making a difference to the lives of New Zealanders at the time they need it most. The work you do is filled with meaning and purpose - it matters. 

nurse with a patient smiling holding a medical device
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Grow your healthcare career in New Zealand

Across Aotearoa New Zealand, you’ll find a dedicated range of both clinical health professionals and support roles including project managers, IT developers and HR professionals - all working to ensure the delivery of a service truly close to the hearts of New Zealanders, their whānau and the community.

Whether you're at the beginning, looking for a fresh start, or wanting to expand your knowledge, we have a role for you.

Find the most in-demand healthcare roles in New Zealand below, click each tile to learn more:


Nursing & Midwifery

Allied Health

Scientific and Technical

Multidisciplinary Teams

Corporate and Support

Can't find your role?

A senior Nurse happily standing outside an event venue

Join our webinars

Hear from our International Recruitment Centre, Immigration New Zealand and New Zealand's Registration Bodies about how to emigrate to New Zealand - these webinars are a unique opportunity to learn about the process from start to finish, directly from the people who process your applications!

Sign up to our upcoming webinars and view videos of our previous ones by clicking the button below.

Kiwi Health Jobs works for you

When you submit an application, you will be redirected to Kiwi Health Jobs, our centralised recruitment portal. The Kiwi Health Jobs team are here to simplify the recruitment process by providing guidance, answering queries and connecting you to the right people in the Districts that you are most interested to work in.

Kiwi Health Jobs advertises a wide range of vacancies across the Health Sector, including vacancies at public, not-for-profit and private employers. 

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"The opportunities we've had in our careers have surpassed our expectations"

ICU educator Wendy at Dunedin Hospital talks about her move from Liverpool in the UK to Dunedin, New Zealand and the positive effect it has had on her career and family.

"We have nurses from all over the world which improves the overall standard of care as well."

Hear from some of our critical care nurses talking about patient and whanau centred care in New Zealand.

Your adventure awaits

If you work in healthcare and want to move to Aotearoa New Zealand, we'd love to hear from you. Our dedicated team is here to provide guidance and support throughout your journey, so don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.